Author: admin

Sunrise at Bob Meadow Point

This week my brother and I decided to paint a panoramic scene from one of my photos on Vinalhaven. I took the left side of the image and he took the right, and together they make up the spectacular sunrise I witnessed earlier this week. It’s so funny to see how we interpret information, isn’t […]

October Seal Bay

I took an afternoon walk that dropped my onto some gorgeous granite rocks with amazing views of little islands and ledges. My little friend Pebbles joined me, leading the way on the trails and then napping by my side while I painted. I perched myself on the granite and painted this sweet little view of […]

A Loster Dock

I am on Vinalhaven right now painting my heart out–it is one of those special places that just calls to me in a way that is hard to put into words. I sat at the edge of Carver’s Harbor this morning to paint this little lobster dock scene. It was a feast for the eyes […]

Harvest Moon

Time for a sibling set! We caught the Harvest Moon over the Eastern Prom earlier this week and it was gorgeous! Witnessing moments like this never gets old. It was a mild night and there were people scattered all over the promenade watching the magic happen. I love the pinks and purples and the shimmering […]

Fort Gorges

We’ve got a Fort Gorges set for you this week for Sibling Sunday! This fort is such an iconic landmark on Casco Bay–it can be seen from just some many places in Portland, South Portland and some of the islands. We just can’t get enough of it. We painted this view of it as seen […]

Stars Over Lake

The stargazing in North Hero is gorgeous! This week Michael and I decided to paint that beautiful night’s sky with the glow of Burlington off in the distance. So magical! I decided to play around with a palette knife on my painting which was lots of fun. We hope you enjoy them. Purchase Elizabeth’s • […]

VT Gouache Set

It’s tiny tuesday and I couldn’t help but play with my gouache paintings while in Vermont. I did the Mt. Mansfield one seated on my paddleboard, but the steady movement from the water actually made me feel a little sea sick, so that was my first and last attempt at that. 🙂 These are the […]

Sunset Cloud

This week my brother and I decided to paint this soft summer sunset over Butler’s Island, as seen from my paddleboard. It was so hot out on this particular evening and the water was so still–a boat with a few fishermen went by me and left with some ripples in the water, which made the […]