daily paintings

Sunset Over the Point

Sunset Over the Point • 6×6 • oil on cradled wood panel • SOLD

I was out on my paddleboard last night watching the sunset and I caught the most beautiful sunset reflection in the clouds above Holiday Point. So pretty!

Heading out on my paddleboard after dinner as the sunsets is one of my favorite things to do while I’m here on Lake Champlain. It’s always a treat. I’m so grateful to get to enjoy these moments on the water.

Camel’s Hump

Camel’s Hump • 6×6 • oil on cradled wood panel • SOLD

My favorite Green Mountain view is always Camel’s Hump. It’s so recognizable and I just love the shape of it and the layers of hills that sit beneath it–oh, and I love the name. Once upon a time my partner and I hiked up there in the fall with our basset hound and camped out over night. Such a special place and such a special memory.

My brother loves this view too, so this week we decided to painted Camel’s Hump for our sibling set. I hope you enjoy them!

Purchase the Sibling Set and they ship for free.

Michael Fraser • 12×12 • oil on wood
Elizabeth Fraser • 6×6 • oil on wood

Palette Sky Series

Palette Sky Paintings • 6×6 • oil on gesso board • $80 each or 3 for $200

It’s tiny tuesday! I’ve played with a palette knife before (but not in a REALLY long time) so I decided I would give it another shot this week for tiny tuesday. I used reference photos from 3 of my favorite places–a sunset rain cloud from Lake Champlain in VT, a spectacular Eastern Prom sunrise in Portland & the sunrise beach scene in South Carolina. I first blocked out my paintings with a brush and then got mixing with the palette knife. It was a little uncomfortable to stick the paint down with the knife, but isn’t that the point on tiny tuesday–to get uncomfortable or to play in a new way? 🙂 And the texture is pretty yummy.

Scroll down for purchase info and to watch the video of the sky paintings below.

Palette Sky Paintings • 6×6 • oil on gesso board

I’ve played with a palette knife before, but not is a REALLY long time, so I decided I would give it another shot this week for tiny tuesday. I used reference photos from 3 of my favorite please–a sunset rain cloud from Lake Champlain in VT, a spectacular Eastern Prom sunrise in Portland & the sunrise beach scene in South Carolina. I first blocked out my paintings with a brush and then got mixing with the palette knife. It was a little uncomfortable to stick the paint down with the knife, but isn’t that the point on tiny tuesday? 🙂 And the texture is pretty yummy.

Scroll down for purchase info and to watch the video of the sky paintings below.

Purchase info: Sky ISky II


City Bay Sunrise

City Bay Sunrise • 6×6 • oil on canvas • SOLD

It’s time for some family camp painting for me and my brother. 🙂 Since the age if 2 & 3, we have been spending some summertime on the shores of Lake Champlain in Northern Vermont. Driving onto the Champlain Islands always makes me feel like I’m coming home and I know the same holds true for my brother–it’s just a really special place and I’m so happy to be spending time here! This week we decided to paint this pretty sunrise over City Bay in North Hero. I love the bold colors, the sky and that shimmering lake water that I so love swimming in.

I’ve noticed that I like cropping in on images and my brother tends to pan out and do bigger skies or water, in this case. I hope you are enjoying our sibling paintings.

Note: I swapped a sailboat in for a pontoon boat in my painting because I love sailboats!


Purchase Michael’s painting / Purchase Elizabeth’s painting /

Purchase both paintings (Free Shipping)

Marsh Paddle

Marsh Paddle • 6×6 • oil on canvas • SOLD

I went for a couple of paddles on the Spurwink River in Cape Elizabeth this week and it was so pretty. It was actually the first time I had ever taken my standup paddleboard to the marsh and now I’m wondering what I was waiting for! Floating with the current of the tides while watching the marsh grass go by and the birdlife fish is a dreamy way to spend a hot summer day. And the swimming was divine too. See my video below to get a taste of my marsh paddle with a friend. 🙂


Beach Roses at Acadia

Elizabeth Fraser, Beach Roses at Acadia • 8×6 * oil on cradled wood panel • SOLD
Michael Fraser, Beach Roses at Acadia • 6×6 • oil on wood • $100 • purchase link

We decided to keep our Acadia theme running this week for our Sibling Saturday/Sunday post. Here we have a spectacular summer morning from the shores of Mount Desert Island, somewhere along the park loop road. Everything about this scene screams Maine summer … the rocky shore, the pine trees, the islands and the fragrant beach roses in the foreground. Can’t you smell them? We used the same reference photo but each cropped in on it in a different way and painted on different size wood panels.

Owl’s Head Sunset

Owl’s Head Sunset • 6×6 • oil on cradled wood panel

I tagged this photo I took last fall of an Owl’s Head sunset from the ferry from Vinalhaven and today was the day I decided to play with it in paint. I like the simple lines of the composition and the stripes of color throughout the painting. We had gray skies and rain on and off most of the day, so I don’t think I’ll be witnessing a sunset here tonight, but I hope we all get to enjoy the magic of a sunset soon!

Summer Morning / Summer Night

Summer Sunrise • 10×5 • gouache on watercolor paper • SOLD

Summer Night • 10×5 • gouache on watercolor paper • SOLD

For tiny tuesday this week I decided to play around with a couple of panoramic gouache paintings that celebrate summer. This week I witnessed many magical moments on the Maine coast, so it was hard to narrow my selection down … but I decided to capture a sunrise from the Eastern Prom and a nighttime view from the ferry leaving Peaks Island. Enjoy! xo

Summer Sunset

Summer Sunset • oil on cradled wood • SOLD

We took the ferry out to Peaks Island last week and caught a stunning sunset that I couldn’t resist capturing in paint. The monotone sky and water with the bright pink sun and reflection reminded me of a Monet painting. And this beautiful sailboat was headed right into the reflection–so pretty! I know this unusual and striking sky is due to the wildfires out west which is sad and concerning. Ugh. It’s just crazy–I hope everyone in those areas is safe and may the fires subside soon. xox. Be safe and enjoy summer. xox

Cadillac Mountain Day Break

E. Fraser • Cadillac Mountain Day Break • 6×6 • oil on wood cradled panel • SOLD
M. Fraser • Cadillac Mountain Day Break • 6×6 • oil on wood cradled panel • $100 • purchase link

This week my brother and I decided to paint this amazing vista from atop Cadillac Mountain at sunrise that I was lucky enough to witness last summer. Breathtaking. The colors, the water and those Porcupine islands. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I don’t think I will ever tire of painting these little islands.

Last summer I took my paddleboard up to Acadia and paddled around a couple of the Porcupine islands after watching the sun come up. It was such a treat to experience them from the water and to get up close enough to see how dense the growth on them is.